America's Youth, inc

We are helping our children get a step up.

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Thank you for visiting our Internet site.

As an proven methodology for engaging in local community-building and problem-solving through multimedia tools and training, we want to give you the opportunity to stay in touch with America's Youth Inc. and our services. A new content management system will enable us to always keep you up to date.

Our Children Deserve A Chance

We are staffed by volunteers that care deeply about Americas' future and thus, its children. Perhaps you'd like to help?

We are doing what we can, right now.

Putting this great responsibility off is not an option.

Explore our programs for our local children

At this point we can provide you with information regarding our Community Technology Learning Center, Interfaith Dinner Network, after School and summer programs. The emphasis of our site is on Community development.

About us...

our company was established on November 2, 1998 became a 501 (c)(3) in 2002, and has been responsible for providing outstanding community services ever since. Our specialty is in the area of "At Risk" youth, our effort is to reduce juvenile crime and instill positive values, character, and leadership skills, Other Programs provide disadvantaged individuals that are economically distressed access to information technology and related training. Our regular customers particularly value self help services

We need your help!

We believe excellence of attitude; behavior, commerce and community will prevail over deprivation and adversity. We choose autonomy over dependency, industry over anger, cooperation over polarization, virtue over vice, and success over failure.

Now is the time to help our Nation, and our Children

With red-blooded American values, we are attempting to help our local youth stay focused, and learning at all times. Without these services, teens are very likely to get in trouble on the streets.